Small Business Administration

SBA Loans for Women

Best SBA Loans For Women Women who own their own businesses are often faced with less opportunity than their male counterparts, mainly financial opportunity. According to a study done in 2014 by the National Women’s Business Council, women start firms with, on average half of the capital men do. Over the last several years, women…
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Defaulting on an SBA Loan

What Happens If You Default On Your SBA Loan? Defaulting on any loan, especially an SBA loan is never your plan. The Small Business Administration Loan is designed to kickstart small businesses using a loan that is highly beneficial to the start-up while also providing the lowest risk to the lender. The SBA requires that…
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SBA Loan with Bad Credit

Getting an SBA Loan With Bad Credit The reason many small businesses are not able to receive an SBA loan is due to a low credit score, which is considered as a score between below 619 according to privacy guard. This creates a tricky situation for companies that in fact do have a lower credit…
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interest rates

Interest Rates for SBA Loans

SBA Loan Interest Rates and What to Expect The Small Business Administration makes it possible for loans like the 7(a) SBA loan to have the lowest possible interest rates available for small businesses. The interest rates will depend on the individual amount of the loan, the term over which it is being paid back, and…
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buy-sell agreement

What is a Buy-Sell Agreement?

What is a Buy-Sell Agreement? Your life insurance keeps your family’s lives financially protected after you have passed on. But what about your business? If something were to happen to you, how do you ensure that your business stays well and running? If you have a buy-sell agreement in place with a business partner, you…
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business owner life insurance

Why Does a Business Owner Need Life Insurance

You’re a business owner and the center of responsibility. You’re responsible for your business partners, employees, your investors, and your family and loved ones that are depending on the financial health of your business. As the business owner and chief operator of your business, your untimely death spells disaster for all these groups. Obtaining a…
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key person insurance

Do You Need Key Person Insurance?

If your business depends directly on a vital employee or two and would not be able to function without them, you should consider key person insurance. If a person was deemed essential to the functionality of the business, then it would be wise for the company to utilize key person insurance.  In a key person…
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Collateral assignment

What is Collateral Assignment?

Have you ever thought about or tried to apply for a Small Business Loan? If so, then the words collateral assignment may sound familiar. When you apply for a loan, especially an SBA loan, asset assignment ownership is transferred to the lender as an additional security throughout the duration that the loan is being paid…
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business growth

7 Surefire and Simple Ways To Make Your Business Grow

Entrepreneurs diving headfirst into a new business venture have more in common with LEGO enthusiasts than they would like to admit. Your enterprise has reached a peak. You’ve constructed the 3000 piece Death Star set… but, and here’s the caveat, you’ve only reached a peak, not THE peak. Which leaves you with a few options. You…
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